Remember Gossipers:

You're not relevant unless you're talked about :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dude, Where's My Car?

Afternoon Gossipers, looks like this Tuesday just turned into something worthwhile. It appears that after a rather fun-filled drunkin' adventure in PB on Sunday a sudden "lost" car put a halt on the festivities. While K. Jump thought that his beloved Mustang was stolen most likely by some PB lifer, it appears that after some extensive search and full recovery that his beloved transport was merely...misplaced by K's not so sober friend J. Weast. Police reports were given prior to the discovery and apologies were administered post, but now it appears that J is upset that K is saying that his car was "stolen" by him when it was K who actually gave J the keys. Now that J is publicly putting his view on the situation via FB as well, the question is, who's at fault? The pot or the kettle?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Gogo boy V: Voided

Here's a question for you Gossipers: How many times and how many chances can you legitimately give someone before you decide that enough is enough and it's better to just wash your hands of them and move on? For some individuals they only give one chance, for others two or three are more satisfactory, while more hardened hearts won't even bother with a cordial glance to individuals who have done them wrong. Well it appears that after a massive weekend at Rich's that this question had to take place with a certain gogo dancer - Vince and the club's management. It's known that the gogo dancer "V" has had his ups and downs while working at the club due to breaking some rules that were given, but after Saturday's event where he was seen by many not appearing in the right state of mind it seems that Rich's management may have had enough with the young dancer. He was told to change immediately and leave the club w/o payment. One voided compensation check just might be the symbol of a newly voided gogo boy. Sorry V - while you may have many fans and admirers watch you on a box, it looks like it may have to be @ another club. Unless you're given another chance that is.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Spotted: little J looking mighty cozy w/ex-partner Hawkins. You've done well staying off the radar little J and I understand with Frenemies that you have to keep them closer than a legit friend, but this seems a little too close. Now it's just leading others to wonder: are they or aren't they? Friends or foes? Either way I hope I don't get a video clip of you making out w/this one. Make better choices little J...I still have hope for you.

Hail Chancellor Whittemore

It's back to the daily grind Gossipers and while Monday morning may cause the blues for some I'm here to give you a quick relief. Outlandish behavior and quirky gimmicks can either put people off or leave them wanting more, and in Mr. Whittemore's case apparently his sense of humor was too much for some people to accept. David Whittemore is known around the Crest for more than his quick wit and personality - lately it seems that his taste in controversial humor has left several people w/a bitter and sour taste. His Halloween costume as the German Chancellor Hitler caused somewhat of an uproar not only in person but over the web as well - given that he was warned several times by FB that his pictures were "inappropriate," but his page was still up and running. DVW also received several messages from strangers and acquaintances saying that his costume was out of poor taste. It wasn't until recently when one *small* picture post that DVW sent as a joke and tagged a friend of his that FB finally deleted his account due to "harassment and multiple warnings." While the Mega-Minded individual who decided to report DVW to FB for harassment may have caused one account to be deleted, DVW just decided to make another one and continue on with what he does best - be himself. The great thing with FB Gossipers is you can easily delete a post and a tag. There's no reason to tattle tale to the FB Gods over a simple joke; you've only allowed yourself to be more of a target for Chancellor Whittemore.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Welcome Back//Fables Not Apply

Good evening Gossipers. Yes, it has been a few weeks from my last post and I apologize for my absence, but reality was calling for my presence and I couldn't ignore it any longer. In life we will deal with individuals who attempt to feed us fables by hand and act as if this gesture is something worth appraisal. Individuals who attempt to sugar-coat the realities that we will face on our day to day lives. I do not respect these individuals. I accept them, but I do not respect them - there is a difference. There is nothing worse than being surrounded by a constant presence of a false reality and people who succumb to this facade. Hypocrites and two-faced beings will eventually face the harsh truth that their words are empty. They are meaningless. What I say and what I write may not be to your liking, but again that is your opinion and yours alone. I only write and say what others are afraid to say out of fear of being looked at differently. I am honest - I call a spade a spade and nothing else. I'm happy to be back Gossipers and starting tomorrow I'm ready to post some sweet delights that I collected over the weekend. I missed you all...I'm sure you missed me too.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What a Shameful & Pathetic List

It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words and it looks like this nasty little thing that was discovered less than 24hrs ago is worth more. While it's being speculated already that the "Abe" being put on blast is Abe B. Chami - that is not necessarily fact, but speculation does stem from truth at times. I actually do not care who the list is about, but rather more importantly WHO wrote this pathetic "list." Possibly an employee from the mixed reviewed establishment of Eden? - last item on the list. Whoever happened to leave their dignity scribbled all over this piece of paper should officially crawl under a rock solely based on these childish priorities - White Party diet? No blow after 6am? New Grindr pic - seriously? Sorry DignityLost, but maybe you should actually worry about not leaving a trail of your sloppiness all over around the Crest and you wouldn't have to actually create such a horrid list as this. And now the real fun comes with discovering WHO wrote the note. Happy hump day Gossipers.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Guess Who's Back?

Spotted: The one and only Rob.B "Cut a Bitch" Zumaya has returned back back to Cali Cali from the Big Apple, and this time he's been spotted in the sweltering hot city of San Diego, but why has this original Cali boy left the East Coast? While no one knows whether or not this fine, fresh, and fierce boy will be staying in our Golden state only momentarily it is known that anywhere Rob.B shows up will be a show. Welcome back youngin' - and remember you don't need a specific city or streets to inspire you. You're the only one who can transform You.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Only Facts Are Presented

It's been a tame week Gossipers - kudos you. So just recently it has been brought to my attention that certain individuals think my "stories" are being spun around mere rumors and not facts. Like I've said before - I don't post on anything that isn't factual. Now you may not like what I've posted b/c it links to you or you feel I'm being biased in some way, but again that isn't the case. Drama only lives on when YOU, my fine gossipers provide and create the drama. It's as simple as that. If you don't want your dirty laundry shared then don't make a scene out in public for others to speak about. If you don't want to appear to be the mess that you are - learn moderation. Learn to be honest. You can't be upset or angry that I call it like it is - again, I'm merely the messenger - it is YOU that creates the message. Remember that. You know you love me.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Not so Avail-abel After All

Before my Gossipers lay their heads to rest I have one more post to share: while flirtation and charisma are the necessary traits with any great bartender - adultery should not be one. While a certain Lonely Boy has informed me that an Abel bodied bartender who mixes down in Uni Heights is having some fun w/a well known mixologists from Rich's it appears there is a third party involved as well. So where's the issue you may ask? It appears that while both tenders are tending to each other, it seems that Able still has yet to cut the ties with a previous Flame. Looks like someone wasn't really as avail-abel as he made himself out to be. Sorry easy A, but it looks like you could dress up as "Hester Prynne" this holiday weekend. I've even included a nice stencil that you may wish to use. Sleep tight Gossipers.

Off the Market :)

It's a lovely hump day Gossipers and an exciting one at that. It appears that one very beautiful boy and an even more beautiful girl will soon be off the market - officially. My trusty source claims that Mr. Christian Mollere and his lovely girlfriend Laura Wasson will soon make that bold step and actually become engaged and if everything works out correctly become Mr. & Mrs. Mollere by this approaching summer. There was never a question as to whether or not C could be tamed and dethroned from his bachelor crown, all he needed to find was a partner of equal taste and quality to make him a fine hubby. Congratulations you two and best of luck. Be weary of those who are filled with jealousy and envy - it only makes them bloated and cause you stress. I'm sure there will be much more to report once the bells of matrimony become closer to my open ears.

The Future Mrs. & Mr. Mollere

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Afternoon Gossipers, it appears that in our day to day lives we will all come across individuals that we will either keep in or kick out due to their overall essence that they bring out in not only ourselves, but more importantly themselves. With that being said I would like to say congrats to Trolldell yet again for burning more than one bridge this past weekend. Sources claim that he was confronted by Mr. Weast after supposedly selling Weasts' Bose Sound system along with other belongings that Weast happened to leave behind when he left Trolldell's Uni Heights apartment. While one source claims that belongings were sold, others have said that Trolldell was merely bluffing. Only Weast will know (by today's end I'm sure) whether or not another altercation will ensue. While I'm sure alcohol was involved in this verbal altercation (just typical sunday funday in the Crest) what seems more intoxicating was hearing Trolldell claim that he is the "nicest person anyone can ever know." Really sweety? Lies don't care who tell them as long as they get told. Keep in mind Gossipers that while blacked out behavior may be something of an everyday occurrence for some it in no way excuses such behavior that revolves around lying, cheating, and overall messiness - this behavior that will eventually leave you defriended  both on and off the web. You know you love me.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Spotted: Pregnant Jailbait

Spotted: a lovely Cen Cal couple stopping to pose so happily for the camera. While it's obvious that this female is showcasing a small baby bump you probably wouldn't know that she is a mere 17 year old mama to be. While this "Teen Mom" in training will remain has been named Ms. Ziemer, sources say that the happy father is none other than a 26 year old corn-fed country bumpkin.  While the jailbait might have consented to his love, I hope there was just a mere tear in the glove. Either way the stork is coming in a matter of months, who knows maybe toMORROW my sources will lead me what this country bumpkin's name is. Until then.


Spotted: S in disguise

S looks like he's found his new Halloween costume, or should I say, "Halloweenie?" By the looks of things S is showing off exactly what his Mama gave him in the form of a gangsta wrestler costume or is that some form of avant hard leotard? I'm guessing he's going to have a great Trick and mayhaps an even better Treat this holiday weekend.

Burning Bridges

Good morning So Cal Gossipers. Another rainy one today and this may be just what some Crest boys need to put out those flames that seem to be blazing so strongly across bridges throughout the Crest. It seems that with a new establishment opening very soon (this thursday to be exact) some of these employees have forgotten about their present work places and are entirely fixated on all that is hopefully perfection in the Garden of Eden. While it may be a breath of fresh air in the gayborhood to have a new establishment to drink, dance, and cause sin that doesn't mean that you should be tardy for la Fiesta. No one likes excuses boys - especially excuses like having a new job, or being asked to do too much. Understand that fads come and go, as do places of work and even friendships, so while the Garden might be tempting and gratifying at the moment don't forget that even that bridge can't last forever. Before I leave I will also say this, while sobriety and a cleansing life is something worthy of a snap or two, lying about being sober is nothing more than joke. Especially when you go out to clubs, order shots from the bar, participate in bottle service on several occasions, and cause a drunkin' scene. Acting like you're sober and being sober are two different things sweety. Remember that. And with that the sun is now out and this week is ready to begin. Happy Monday. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sometimes the Dirt is Worth it

Good evening Gossipers. Hope you all had a wonderful and safe weekend. With recent events I've decided to send out more advice that can be applied to all: Family life can be messy, but you can't plant a garden without getting into the dirt. Sometimes you can't even clean the dirt off your hands however, but that residue under your nails is a daily reminder that your family is your solid ground. You pick and choose which plants will flourish in your garden for your own personal benefit. So plant wisely, make sure the plants that you want in
your garden are worth the daily maintenance. With that
being said, know this le famiglia di Tavola - say what you want. Do what you want. You were never a desired plant for any. Rather, you were an infestation of harsh weeds and melancholy seeds. You made your plot of manure Tavola - now find some way to grow and mature for once. That's all for now gossipers.

Friday, October 15, 2010

When it Rains, it Pours

Good morning Gossipers and happy Friday! Well it appears that with this change in weather there is also a delightful change with a beauty in the big city. While Becs may have seen her new show "Bridge & Tunnel" go on the status of hiatus due to MTV's fear of competition for Jersey Shore, that didn't seem to leave a downpour on this blue eyed beauty. When one door closed it appears that a bigger one opened. It appears that she will now be taking part in Nate Berkus' new show on NBC (Nate Berkus who's claim to fame arrived when he became Oprah's delightful designer/handyman) where she will be primarily working in the department of creating the events that will occur on the show. Kudos you Becs. Keep that eye on the prize and I'm sure you'll find PROSPERITY in all that you seek.

Now on to our import from Palm Springs. Looks like Mr. $$$ is still on the seek for MORE employment?? While I do applaud you $$$ for being so determined and willing to find work I think that you should really take the time to relax and focus all your energy and dedication on the three jobs that you have already landed. That's right...THREE. The last thing you want is to spread yourself too thin, and keep in mind that while you are privileged to have three employers, some individuals can't even snatch one. Mayhaps you should give yourself a break from the week full interviews. Let's be wise $$$ and not greedy. I understand that when it rains it may pour, just make sure you choose a stable umbrella to keep yourself safe and dry.
You know you love me

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hello Newlyweds

Spotted: It looks like S. Finn has actually snatched a lovely life partner and taken the big step of walking down the isle...and his blissful partner has a vagina. Oh yes, looks like there's a new married couple in Hillcrest and this one actually has opposite anatomy parts. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Finn on your new nuptial agreement. While I must say that I am a bit surprised and even confused I hope that you both had a beautiful ceremony. Noticing that neither of you wore white I applaud you both none the less. Now the only question that is left for everyone to ask is, "who will wear the pants in this relationship: Stevie or Shandra??" I guess my invite got lost in the mail. Oh well, perhaps I can make the baby shower :) Do I hear the pitter patter of Baby Finns? I guess only time and faulty birth control will tell.

Nuptial Bliss: Mr. & Mrs. Finn hand in hand - I have dibs on the bouquet 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I've already had the pleasure to share some decent Gossip via FB, but due to the fact that one is only allowed a certain amount of characters permitted for a post I have resorted to an official blog, so welcome all. Again, my goal is not to anger but merely entertain those individuals who love to read Gossip. Of course we read the headlines and see the news when it comes to "celebrities" (If you call reality personas 'celebrities'), but this blog is NOT THAT. Oh no, this blog revolves around everyday people that have performed some sort of action that should be talked about. Reminder: This is an off-limits blog. You don't have to love it, you don't have to like it, but you will read it. Why? Because you're human and every person likes some form of Gossip. Now...let's have some fun.
You know you love me.